The value of a company is not only determined by what it does; but also by why and how it does it:
- Our mission is to support the development of our industrial customers, by automating and modernising their production facilities.
- Our vision is to contribute to the competitiveness of the regional industry by bringing innovative, effective, and secure solutions in order to revitalise the local industrial sector.
- As a human-sized company, our commercial purpose does not stop us from treating our collaborators humanely and our customers and suppliers with the highest degree of ethics.
- For more than 10 years, we have established a solid and close relationship with our customers and our suppliers, based on trust, honesty, responsiveness, and transparency.
- Within the company, we aim at developing not only our technical skills, but also our sense of fellowship, team spirit and service.
- Our skills and values are completed by our ability to update the services we offer, and to integrate and train new talents.
So that you too can trust SBProcess and join a winning team!

Philippe Savoye
You would like to know more about it? To discuss your project with us?
Contact us at +33 (0)4 74 69 42 15